Saturday, June 30, 2007

Haitian Courier #3.3: Thank You!

Wow, I came back one day after I sent the e-mail and now I have more than enough to buy my ticket back home!

Thank you so much for to all of you who contributed! I received about $765 from 16 generous donors. Thank you!

Ok, so what am I going to do with the extra money? God willing, I am praying to come back to Haiti next summer, if not, to some other developing country. So whatever I received from this will go toward it.

If for any reason, you wish to withdraw your donation, let me know, since I now have double of what I originally needed. Be assured, however, that what you contributed will either help bring me back to Haiti (or Africa again or another place) where I would continue to do God's work, or will go towards another charitable work (if I'm not able to do them myself next summer).

Thanks once again to everyone who contributed! And thank you all for your prayers.

I'll send personal thank you e-mail soon, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I have enough to get back to the States now.

God Bless,

Friday, June 29, 2007

Haitian Courier #3.2: Bring Me Home

I hate to flood your inboxes with my newsletters, but I wanted to let you know that I have now officially missed my flight back to the States. So there is no turning back.

So far I've received $180 from 4 generous contributors. That's basically halfway done!

If you can help at all, even $10 or $20 would go a long way. I would appreciate anything you can give.

After all, I do need to get back to the States sometime... Please help!

Visit here to donate:

So why did I miss my flight? (I see you didn’t read my other newsletters...) I’m staying here another month to help out with the orphanage while the president is in Korea raising fund for a new and permanent orphanage. I can’t just leave here right now.
