Friday, September 15, 2006

Doxa in Kenya: In Brief, Parasites and Robbery

Friday, September 15.

I went to Kitui with Lazarus to bring some stuff to Dr. Johnson's clinic today.

At the clinic, I got checked for parasites from my stool sample. We found some ascaris (round worm) eggs... No wonder I've been having stomach problems. Dr. Johnson gave me some medicines for that. I also got some medicine for my shoulder. I got into a bicycle accident about a month ago in Lenkijape. I was carrying a boy in the back, and we were going downhill. The bike had no break, so we ran into a small bush. I flew over the bike and landed on my right shoulder. It's still moving, but it hurts a bit when I stretch it. Hopefully the medicine will work. All the medicine only cost Ksh50 (~70 cents).

Recently I discovered that, while I was in Tanzania couple weeks ago, somebody stole my money. I think it was when I was staying in the Hotel 77, because I left my money in my room during dinner. Although I had the room locked, I bet one of the workers went in and took the money. I lost $300 from that. I feel terrible because it was given to me by the church, and it was money that people gave as sacrificial offerings. I should have known better than to leave money in a hotel room... I learned an expensive lesson.

God provides and takes away as He pleases. My the Lord be glorified when I'm healthy, when I'm sick, when I have money, when all my money is gone, and in every situation.