Tuesday, May 03, 2011

A Way Overdue Update

I keep making a mental list of all the things that I want to write about, but then I never have the time to write (or just forget about actually writing), and so the list keeps getting longer without any of them actually getting written. Obviously this hasn't been working, so I'm going to keep this one short, and not write about all the stuff I'd been thinking of writing.

First of all, sorry for the lack of updates all this time. Has it really been SEVEN months since I last posted anything on this blog? Well, apparently yes. And this post will be one of the last few, if not the last, before I leave India.

Speaking of leaving India, I will be flying out early morning on Saturday, May 14 (just as it gets unbearably hot & humid here!). After a 23-hour layover in Singapore, I will be traveling to Tokyo to visit my friends for a week. Then I will spend a few days in Seoul to see my relatives, followed by a few days with my family in SoCal, and then off to Oklahoma City to get hitched! Woohoo!!

To summarize my 9-month experience in India... I'm just thankful for everything. For all the friends I made from all over the world, for all the beautiful and exciting places that I got to visit, for all the fun times I've had, for all the challenges I've faced, and for all the life lessons I've learned, I'm just so thankful to God!

I realize I never actually wrote what my project is all about... it's a long story, so maybe I'll write more about it in another post. But briefly, things have been going quite well overall. As of today, all the fieldwork has been completed, and now I'm wrapping up data entry before I leave India. I'll let you all know if my study gets published (hopefully!).

I can't promise anything, but I will try to write about some interesting stories from India, and (more importantly) post pictures! But for now, I need to go take a shower or something 'cause it's so hot and humid here (AC in my room isn't working at the moment).


  1. come visit nagoya too! :)

  2. jenny! i would love you see you in nagoya! i'm in japan from may15-23, and don't have any concrete plans yet. what's the easiest way to get to nagoya? i'm staying at a friend's place in musashi-kosugi.
