My church and my family need a LOT of prayer as the year is coming to an end.
Long story short, the church (elders and other pastors) wants my dad (the senior pastor) to leave the church after this month (December) for no legitimate reason. It's not like my dad had an affair, stole stuff from the church, or anything like that. Basically the elders and my dad don't get along great, and the elders seemingly refuse to get along. My dad may not be the most social or people person in the world, but it's clear that he hasn't done anything to get kicked out of the church. Dad agreed that he would leave if and only if God leads him to another ministry, but the elders just don't want him. Dad told them he would serve the church even if he doesn't get paid because he believes that God has called him to ministry there, but they don't think he's "good enough."
I won't go into all the details, but situation seems to get uglier by day. Apparently some elders/pastors are spreading false rumors about my parents and are conspiring to get people to not attend the new years eve service at church but to meet on their own without dad. They even told dad that if he holds a new years day service at church, they would have a separate service in the next room.
Personally, I'm ok either way: if we left or if we stayed. But as a son of my father, and as God commanded, I'll honor my dad by supporting him on his calling. I also believe it's a sin for a church to separate as divorce is a sin (Malachi 2:16). But if the hearts of the elders/pastors are hardened, so be it (Matthew 19:8).
Please pray for the church because things could get really messy in the next few days. Pray for my dad because he's going through a lot, and it could get worse. And above all, pray that God will be glorified in all this.
I'm sorry to show you the ugly side of my church, especially if you're not Christian and don't know much about Christ. But please remember that people who call themselves Christians are also human, and not everything they do/say are representative of the teachings of the Bible. That applies to me as well. If everyone in the church were following what God says, things like this shouldn't be happening. It really sucks that we're going through this. But of course, there's no such thing as a perfect church. (If you find one, don't join it because you'll ruin it!)
This situation reminds me of Isaac and his wells (Genesis 26), and I wonder if we should just leave the church and move on. But I think for my siblings, mom, and me, the situation is like that of Noah's children (Genesis 6), which my sister brought up the other day. I know that dad firmly believes that God has a purpose for him at the church. Likewise, Noah was called by God to build a huge ark in a mountain. As expected people ridiculed Noah, and I bet his children were mocked as well. But the children had to support their father and help him build the ark. I don't know if you understand how much it sucks to have my dad be opposed by his own church on his calling to serve the church, and how much it would suck to have him kicked out for no good reason. You probably don't know how disappointed I am with the elders and some pastors at my church for how they are behaving, but I think Noah's kids could probably relate. Maybe you remember the time I yelled at a pastor a while back. Well, that's not going to happen again, but I am probably as upset as I was then, if not more. This time I'm more sad than I am angry. Anyhow, I must support my dad and pray for him.
I pray that the hearts of these elders and pastors will be softened. But if God has allowed their hearts to harden, so be it. May God be glorified in everything that He does and everything that happens.