Tuesday, June 24, 2008

X-ray Machine, Certificate of Honor, Christoph, and Fifth Disease

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Today we went to Pastor Daniel's church. Every morning before we start working at the clinic, we have a devotional with all the staff, and Pastor Daniel is the one who usually speaks. Pastor Daniel is an Haitian pastor who is also our X-ray technician, but ever since the X-ray machine broke, he's just been helping out with patent files. The X-ray machine at the clinic had been so crucial in serving the community. We are looking for a new X-ray machine, so please let me know if you know any one who's upgrading their machine and needs to get rid of their old X-ray.

The service started around 7:30AM and ended around 9:00AM. Pastor Daniel had made a "certificate of honor & merit" for each of us for coming to Haiti as short-term or long-term missionaries, and presented them to us during the service. Back home, people might think it cheesy, but it was very meaningful that he did that for us.

After church we went to a hotel called Hostellerie du Roi Christoph. There we swam in the pool and had lunch. Apparently this is where we usually have lunch on Sundays. Julie (Irish physio) taught Laura and I how to throw people in the air (Julie used to do gymnastics), so Laura and I were throwing people in the pool for them to do spins. It was a lot of fun, but our arms were sore later.

Anna had been sick for the past few days, so her sister Carly had stayed home with her yesterday as we went out to Labadee. Apparently their younger sister Emma had just gotten the Fifth Disease, and looks like Anna got it from her just before she left for Haiti. But she was feeling a lot better today, so both Anna and Carly came out with us.

It was a very relaxing weekend.

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