Sunday, April 1, 2007
Wow, I didn't realize that it's April's Fools today until I typed the date and stared blankly at the screen for a while. I guess it's not part of Haitian culture, 'cause as far as I know, I didn't get lied to today.
The day started out with a service in Creole. Pastor Son, who graduated a "seminary" here, gave a sermon (I put it in quotes because it's nothing like seminaries in the US). Although I don't know what exactly he said (or more like, what he said at all), he was very passionate. Then we had a service in Korean where Pastor Baek gave a sermon and some guys (some of the Bible college students) attended. After the sermon, Mrs. Kang (the other missionary who has been here for three years now) gave them a summary of the sermon in Creole. We had lunch, and then children's Bible study.
After the evening Bible study (the one after dinner), Pastor Baek, Mrs. Kang, and I discussed what I will be doing this week. Apparently this week will be a week of rest, since everyone will be on vacation from school for Passion Week. Pastor Baek suggested that I go traveling to see some places in Haiti with the Bible college students. I might even be able to go to Cange to see Zanmi Lasante after all. I think I still should take with me someone who could really use the medical care provided there. Even though our medical team helped some number of people, there were several that we couldn't help, many of them requiring surgeries. So I hope the people in Cange can help.
In Korean, a missionary is called "Sun-gyo-sa-nim." Mrs. Kang is called that here, so it would be confusing to call me by the same name, so Pastor Baek decided that I should be called "Pasté Kim" (that's in Creole. In French, it would be Pasteur Kim, but pronounced similarly). I'm not really a pastor, since I don't have any certificate or degree in theology, but they call youth pastors here "pasté" so I guess it's ok. I was a youth pastor for a bit back in California. Actually, they call pretty much anybody who might preach a "pasté", qualified or not, so I guess it's really ok, whether I was a youth pastor or not.
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