While I was in Kenya, I really missed having friends that I could connect with deeply. Since I came back, I visited AGO (my fraternity) once, and hung out with my old roommate once. It was really nice seeing some of my friends and talking with them...
More and more I'm realizing that I need to do more of that.
These days most of my time is spent in front of my computer either just wasting away or trying to motivate myself to work on some more essays for med school secondary apps. I've been working at a hak-won (tutor place) in Cerritos, which is actually quite fun, but tutoring kids and studying with college classmates just aren't the same (yes, I think group study is fun, yes, I think studying is fun, and yes, I am a nerd).
It's so strange because I never felt so lonely in my life... Ok, I'm not like desperately lonely, but I definitely feel like I'm missing something. And I guess it's people that I love (other than my family, of course). I never realized how much I loved hanging out with friends, although I didn't take them for granted.
I miss my friends...
I don't think I can wait like this until I start making new friends in med school.
Well, it's winter break, and I'm sure someone wouldn't mind hanging out with me. Anyone?
In other news, last week I found out that I won't be going back to Kenya next spring. God seems to have closed the door there. I'm pretty sad especially because I won't be able to see the kids in Lenkijape anymore... I promised them I would bring back photos, too. Well, God is always faithful. When He closes a door, He opens another. Looks like He wants me to go to Haiti this time. It's basically Africa except it's in the Caribbean. So I've started relearning French using a computer program.
I've always wondered why in the world I took French in high school and not Spanish. I was in Japan then, and I didn't know I could be moving to California where Spanish is useful and French is not. Now I'm beginning to think that God lead me to take French because He has a plan for me in Africa. If that's the case, I should seriously start studying French. The trip to Haiti will be in late March, and I may be staying there till end of July. My life would be quite miserable if I'm not prepared... I'm sure it will be a lot more challenging then my trip to Kenya.
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